Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Week 5

Can you believe this is Week 5 of work already!? I certainly can’t. This semester is going by fast—I hope not too fast! I still have a lot of planning to do for this summer…

So where to start? I don’t know if anyone reading this watches Lost, but I’m starting to get a teeny bit frustrated with this season. I want more information! Every episode is such a tease. It’s like we’re consistently just on the verge of understanding everything, and we never actually do. Oh, and somebody needs to tell Evangeline Lilly to get off my man.

It’s me that Sawyer really wants, not her. Obvi.

The weekend was a lot of fun—nothing touristy or sightseeing related, but that’s okay because the weather was pretty bad (nothing compared to Cleveland’s mega amount of snow showers in the past week though). Hung out with the kids over in Phase I on Friday and Saturday. Then on Sunday my roommates and I went out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory—and it was so not worth it! The service was pretty poor, the food took FOREVER and was only mediocre for the wait and price, and when they called us to be seated our table wasn’t even ready yet. Lame lame lame.

Wow- Monday was busy! I got to work as early as I could and finished up part of a big project that was being sent to a client later that day I think. After that I went to an informational luncheon hosted by the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation about their associate and internship program. It’s too early for me to apply for the associate program, but I’m very interested in applying next year. The whole thing sounded really cool—I’m excited!

After that was the PLS (Presidential Lecture Series) for the week. All 440 of us went to hear the president of NPR (National Public Radio) speak at the Jefferson Auditorium in the Department of Agriculture. He was a great speaker—kept it short—and also it was nice to be in the same place as all of the other interns at once. That hasn’t happened since orientation in January. I was actually pretty surprised at how many people I knew/recognized/had spoken to in the auditorium. For a while I was feeling like I hadn’t gotten to meet any interns, glad I was wrong!

Following that was class—or actually a big break between the lecture and class. There was a debate on the metro whether Farragut West or McPhearson Square was closest to TWC. I investigated and found that they are the exact same distance. Any interns struggling with this question… now you know. When class finally started I found that it went by very quickly. Normally those three hours are pretty tough to stomach but it moved right along this week. And my group has finally pulled together a topic and outline for our final project. Go us…

Cleveland in 3 days! Pumped!

Lessons of the Week:

1) Going to the PLS is like getting on a plane—complete with metal detectors and funny machines that x-ray your bags and ID checks. Do come in time to go through all that. TWC doesn’t kid when they say the doors close at 3:05PM—you will not be allowed in if late.
2) The convenience store in the bottom of Meridian at Courthouse closes at nine. Not so convenient when you want to buy cups and snacks at ten. Plan accordingly.

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