Friday, March 21, 2008

What week is this?

This experience is starting blow my mind—my routine is beginning to melt away into insanity and to be honest, I kind of like it. I’m going to blame the weather, the transformation from winter to spring, the smell of rain. My insides are stirring—I’m just aching for something to happen. I’ve been spending very little time in my apartment. I can no longer accept just coming home from work and vegging till bed time. A complete social immersion has taken place since I’ve realized our time left here is growing shorter. But of course with friends comes drama—the high school “he said, she said” and who’s mad at who never really goes away, does it? I think it’s just that everything has just been more exaggerated—more happiness, more anger, more parties, more cigarettes, more shopping, more fun, more crushes, more fights, more excitement. More everything. My mind is on overload—I need more sleep.

The past week has been a roller coaster of many sorts. I keep going back and forth from complete and total contentedness to a depressed sort of nostalgia. I think a lot of it has to do with my aunt. It’s been nine months already since her passing—and it just dawned on me that Easter ‘07 was the last time I saw her well. With Easter approaching again, I’ve been feeling a sadness kind of overcoming everything I do. I miss her.

So—home tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it. The break will be nice. Monday, I leave for a business trip with work. We’re going to Mississippi for a workshop of some sorts. I’m not really sure of the details. I hope I don’t get stuck there… I’m going to be missing the PLS and class but I’m not too worried about it. I think it’s really cool that I’m even going on this trip, and I hope I’m going to learn some things while I’m down there. Speaking of learning—my class’s midterm was last week and I want my grade!

I’m getting so adjusted to being here finally that now I never want to leave. The transition back to school is probably going to be harder than the transition to Washington. It’s a different kind of a busy here—it’s more structured and far less chaotic than college. Here, at 5 o’clock I know I’m done. At school that’s when my work is just getting started. Maybe I’ll be able take this schedule and transfer back to my life at school. Look out—you may see a new, improved, and more organized Ashley Livingston next semester.

Sorry all, that this post is lacking the “on Monday I did this and Tuesday I did that” stuff. I’m honestly having a hard time remembering anything I’ve done this past week. Allow this entry to be a description of the emotional activity of a TWC student instead of the physical. In the end, I think that’s more important anyway.

Lessons of the week:

1) Don’t be afraid to stay up late and do something fun on a week night once in a while. You’ll be a little tired for work, but hey that’s why God invented Starbucks.

2) If it’s okay with your supervisor, listen to your iPod while you work. I’ve been listening to a lot of fast paced, fun music today and I’m really pumped up. Plus, it’s helping the day go by really quickly, and I’m focusing well on my work.

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